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Welcome to my new blog! 

I am so glad that you are joining me on this new leg of my crochet adventure. I have been toying with the idea of a blog for a little while now, and I decided that 2020 was the year to make it happen. I have some ideas for what the blog will be, but I am definitely leaving the possibilities open.

A little about me:

Shadow photo bombing my pattern test shoot.
I am a full time graduate student pursuing a PhD in mathematics that spends as much free time as possible with a crochet hook in my hand. A good portion of the time I don't have a crochet hook, I have a coffee cup! I have been crocheting avidly for several years now. I actually started the craft when I was much younger, but it just didn't stick. About half way through my undergraduate career (getting a B.S. degree in mathematics with a minor in agriculture), crochet became my creative outlet and my stress relief. And I haven't stopped since!
Finn joining in on my first pattern
test photo shoot.

I have two fur babies in my world. One is my Shadow who was a once a stray kitty that showed up at my parents' house. He came with me to graduate school and has been my near constant companion and crochet partner ever since. The other, Finn, is a Wheaten Terrier that belongs to my loving boyfriend. He also likes helping me with my yarn endeavors, especially when it comes to taking pictures. I am sure both of them will make many appearances on the blog, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I was raised on a cattle farm in the middle of nowhere in Tennessee (hence the minor in agriculture I mentioned). I don't make it back home to the farm to see family too often, but it is always nice when I do.

You can read even more about me here.

Blog goals:

Like I mentioned, I am not completely sure where this crochet blog adventure will lead but I do have a few things that I hope to incorporate.

  1. I hope to have a crochet a long of sorts with section patterns for Warm Up America. This is a great charity group that collects all sorts of handmade yarn goods to distribute across the world (and even internationally for some campaigns). I will be writing up a post about the organization soon, but for now you can visit their website or Facebook page for more info. There will also be a post about the section pattern crochet a long soon too!
  2. I want a place to showcase the pattern testing I do for other designers. I have not done too much designing of my own, but I enjoy the pattern testing process for other designers. I have only completed a few tests so far, but I have already learned so much from them. As I have time I will go back and add posts for tests I have already completed. 
  3. I might even write up a few patterns that are for things other than sections. I have a hat design floating around and kind of written out, so you might get to see it sometime too.
Most importantly, I just really want a place to continue to share about my crochet adventure and all of the fun things I get to make and do. Crocheting is my escape from the stresses of school and life (but mostly school), but I love that I can help others along the way too.

Photos © 2019 Sarah Locke. All rights reserved.


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