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The Great Blanket Remake Part 1

The Great Blanket Remake Begins...

I have put a temporary pause on the Section-A-Long to tackle another big project (and to start planning a wedding!). This project is technically 5+ years in the making, so it is about time for something to be done with it. I am transforming a partially made blanket into something complete and cohesive for donation, and I have decided to take you along for the journey.

As you can see, the blanket comes in a variety of stages of completeness. I have a whole skein, a couple partial skeins, a huge pile of completed granny triangles, and a few rows of granny triangles sewn into a blanket. I am going to tackle this in pieces. The full skeins have been relocated to my fiance's apartment to work on when I am over there. (Oh, I do love calling him my fiance!) The variegated partial skein has already been turned into 2 and a half sections. Oh, I am using my last section-a-long pattern to make all of the sections for this blanket remake.

Now for the fun part. I had to frog all of those completed granny triangles. I started with the ones completed but not seamed. They came apart fairly easily, and I was happily surprised at how quickly I was able to turn them all into little balls of yarn. I ended up with somewhere around 43 8-ish gram balls of yarn. This box is now my donation crochet goal.

I started by just picking balls and making the sections. It takes about 3 little of them to make a section. I made a couple solid green ones and a couple with all yarns and realized that I should probably do a little more planning with what I had. This led me to group them together in threes, and I am glad I did. I didn't have nearly as many of the greys as the other two so I was only able to make a few that had all three yarns. I also didn't want to do solid sections with the variegated since I didn't feel like matching the scraps up appropriately. I ended up with some solid green sets, some sets with 2 greens and a variegated, and some with 2 variegated (and very different) and a green. These sets are now being turned into larger balls that will each become a section. I am also weighing them all just to make sure that I should have enough yarn in each of the new bundles.

By my count, this box will end up making 14 sections all on its own, with the possibility of some leftovers. It looks like I am on track to make enough for at least a child sized blanket which is definitely exciting. I am hoping to make a good set for some joiner out there to work their magic with. I am definitely enjoying this journey, and I am happy to finally be making something good out of a not even half finished blanket that has been sitting in a tote for years! This is a project that I would probably not have had the courage to tackle without the current state of the world, which just goes to show you that some good will come out of this trying time.

Stay tuned for the next installment of the Great Blanket Remake!



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